Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the Fertility Harmony Courses designed for? 

Th courses have been designed for those who are thinking about trying to conceive or are already trying to get pregnant and want to improve their chances of conceiving whether trying naturally or with assisted fertility treatment while nurturing their relationship with food and their bodies. 

What is included in the Fertility Harmony course? 

For the Fertility Harmony Course, you will get 6 months access to the twelve module videos and Q&A session. There are downloadable PDFs to support you with your fertility health and in navigating your relationship with food. You will also get a downloadable breathwork resource from Holistic Mindset Coach, Yvonne Doherty following from her session. All those who sign up to the course will also get unlimited email support from either Jess or Emer for 12 weeks.

What is included in the Fertility Harmony MINI course? 

For the Fertility Harmony MINI Course, you will get 6 months access to the three module videos. There are downloadable PDFs to support you with your fertility health All those who sign up to the course will also get unlimited email support from either Jess or Emer for 12 weeks.

You will also be offered a discounted rate to upgrade to the further nine modules in the Fertility harmony course for only €150 at ant stage during the 6 months from purchase.

How do I access the course? 

Once you have purchased either course you will have access to this platform where you will have access to all modules and supporting resources. You will have your own login for this course platform for 6 months. 

Can I pay in instalments? 

We are unable to facilitate split payments. However you will be able to redeem part (30-75%) of the course fees with Irish private health insurance.

I am starting fertility treatment soon, is this programme right for me?

Yes, absolutely. There is plenty of research supporting the benefits that nutrition and lifestyle changes have on successful IVF outcomes. 

We know that the 90 days prior to retrieval is the time that we can make a positive impact on our egg and sperm quality. We encourage those who have fertility treatment planned to joining us on Fertility Harmony.

I am planning to freeze my eggs, is this course suitable for me? 

Definitely, we will be focusing on diet and lifestyle for improving egg quality which is of course so important to optimise prior to egg freezing. 

I have PCOS, is this course suitable for me?

If you have a regular period and ovulate (we can help you pinpoint this if you are not sure) then this course is suitable for you. If you do not currently have a period or your cycles are infrequent then we would recommend working with us one to one (please get in touch with Jess or Emer or via [email protected] and we can help you). 

I have health insurance, can I claim this back?

As Jess and Emer are both Registered Dietitians and members of the INDI you will be able to claim back part of the course fee with your insurer by submitting your paid invoice (usually 30-75% of fee). 

How is the course delivered? 

The courses are delivered in a self-paced approach. The modules are laid out to guide you through the course content in a way that we believe is clear and digestible. We understand that you all learn differently and sometimes life gets in the way so feel free to work at your own pace. We will be here to check in with you regularly and support you with any questions you may have.

Can I get a refund if I am not happy with the course? 

Due to the digital nature of this course, refunds are not offered. If you are unhappy for any reason, please reach out and let us know so we have an opportunity to improve your experience.

How long do I have access to the course for? 

You will have access to the courses for a full 6 months. Bonus materials and the journal can be downloaded and saved for your own use beyond the first 6 months.

Can I bring my partner to the sessions? 

We are happy for you to bring your partner and/or whoever is supporting you on your journey to the modules. If you have a male partner we encourage them to attend the sperm health lesson. We do kindly ask that your log in details are however not shared with anyone else outside of your close fertility support network.